Setting Up A Chicken Wire Fencing Business

You could look into setting up a chicken wire fencing company if that’s what you’re passionate about. Here is what you’ll need to do: – Research the market – Find out what licenses and permits are required in your area – Gather a team of people to help with the work – Hire contractors for other tasks like marketing, accounting, and keeping inventory. When you install chicken wire, the first thing you’ll need to do is dig out any vegetation in the area you’re going for. This needs to be completed before laying out your wire fencing, or it will just get destroyed by the digging. You’ll also need to make sure that there aren’t any underground root systems that could interfere with your fence as well. After this has all been taken care of, lay down chicken wire and attach it to sturdy posts. Make sure that they are all approved for use around livestock as well!

Chicken wire can be tricky to install because of all the posts and such that need to be used for it.

Once this is all done, then start enclosing your area with fencing. Make sure that you are kind of doing a zigzag pattern when you do this so that predators can’t easily jump in! You’ll also want to leave an opening somewhere on the enclosure so that animals can get out as well as people.

Of course, there will most likely be some holes and gaps here and there, but just go over them again with some more chicken wire until they’re all covered! Once you have everything completely fenced in, make sure to give yourself plenty of time before putting any animals in there because it’s going to take adjusting for them if they’ve never been fenced in before.

Good luck!

Many people have an idea of what they want to do with their lives, but it can be hard to make a living doing something you are passionate about. If you’re determined enough though, just starting your own chicken wire fencing company could be the perfect way for you to turn that passion into profit and success! To start this business off, first research the market and find out what licenses and permits are required in your area. Find some team members to help with this because it will take a lot longer if you try working on it by yourself. You may need to hire contractors for other tasks like marketing, accounting, and keeping inventory as well.